Dev Update - Examine System

Progress is going well. I am getting close to releasing a new alpha test. I've added a lot of elements and fixed some things. 

The main new feature is an Examine system. Periodically you will come across items in the game and you will be able to pick them up and examine them. This has made possible 2 new quest lines, one of which is already in the version I'm working on. You will be tasked with finding the scriptures, which all reveal the end times prophecies of the apocalyptic world you are in.

In addition, a new Carnival area has been added, zombies are now trackable on the radar, another supply cache is unlocked, and game areas are being fleshed out and detailed.

A Quit menu option has been added and the save system works on everything now except for player inventory and health.

I introduced some issues with the AI system when I added an ability for them to jump over obstacles. When I fix this new issue, I will work on releasing a new alpha test. I believe this may be ready for tomorrow.

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Sounds like you are making great progress with it!  I love that you are putting scriptures in your games!  There aren't nearly enough Biblical games out there. Looking forward to trying out the examine feature. I love it when games let you do that. Tracking zombies on radar will sure be handy too.  It'll be neat to see what the carnival area looks like. Sounds like it'll be a nice dose of color for the map. 

Thanks. I was really hoping to have the next version out already, but I've run into a nasty AI bug that causes the AI to go all wonky when they are respawned from the object pool. As soon as I can sort that out, I'll be preparing a new build. In the meantime, I'm also updating and expanding the rest of the game as well.